5) $mzip = substr($myrow['A25'],0,5)."-".substr($myrow['A25'],5); else $mzip = $myrow['A25']; $mphone = "(".substr($myrow['A27'],0,3).") ".substr($myrow['A27'],3,3)."-".substr($myrow['A27'],6); $mfax = "(".substr($myrow['A28'],0,3).") ".substr($myrow['A28'],3,3)."-".substr($myrow['A28'],6); /*Practice Address*/ $address1 = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['A29'])); $address2 = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['A30'])); $cityname = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['A31'])); $statename = $myrow['A32']; if(strlen($myrow['A33'])>5) $zip = substr($myrow['A33'],0,5)."-".substr($myrow['A33'],5); else $zip = $myrow['A33']; $phone = "(".substr($myrow['A35'],0,3).") ".substr($myrow['A35'],3,3)."-".substr($myrow['A35'],6); $cphone = $myrow['A35']; if(!empty($myrow['A36'])) { $fax = "(".substr($myrow['A36'],0,3).") ".substr($myrow['A36'],3,3)."-".substr($myrow['A36'],6); } else { $fax = "Not Available"; } $enumdate = $myrow['A37']; $updatedate = $myrow['A38']; $gender = $myrow['A42']; $states = array( 'AA'=>"Armed Forces Americas", 'AE'=>"Armed Forces Europe", 'AL'=>"Alabama", 'AK'=>"Alaska", 'AP'=>"Armed Forces Pacific", 'AS'=>"American Samoa", 'AZ'=>"Arizona", 'AR'=>"Arkansas", 'CA'=>"California", 'CO'=>"Colorado", 'CT'=>"Connecticut", 'DE'=>"Delaware", 'DC'=>"District Of Columbia", 'FL'=>"Florida", 'FM'=>"Micronesia", 'FPO'=>"FPO", 'GA'=>"Georgia", 'GU'=>"Guam", 'HI'=>"Hawaii", 'ID'=>"Idaho", 'IL'=>"Illinois", 'IN'=>"Indiana", 'IA'=>"Iowa", 'KS'=>"Kansas", 'KY'=>"Kentucky", 'LA'=>"Louisiana", 'ME'=>"Maine", 'MD'=>"Maryland", 'MA'=>"Massachusetts", 'MH'=>"Marshall Islands", 'MI'=>"Michigan", 'MN'=>"Minnesota", 'MS'=>"Mississippi", 'MO'=>"Missouri", 'MT'=>"Montana", 'NE'=>"Nebraska", 'NV'=>"Nevada", 'NH'=>"New Hampshire", 'NJ'=>"New Jersey", 'NM'=>"New Mexico", 'NY'=>"New York", 'NC'=>"North Carolina", 'ND'=>"North Dakota", 'OH'=>"Ohio", 'OK'=>"Oklahoma", 'OR'=>"Oregon", 'PA'=>"Pennsylvania", 'PW'=>"Palau", 'RI'=>"Rhode Island", 'SC'=>"South Carolina", 'SD'=>"South Dakota", 'TN'=>"Tennessee", 'TX'=>"Texas", 'UT'=>"Utah", 'VT'=>"Vermont", 'VA'=>"Virginia", 'VI'=>"Virgin Island", 'WA'=>"Washington", 'WV'=>"West Virginia", 'WI'=>"Wisconsin", 'WY'=>"Wyoming", 'PR'=>"Puerto Rico", 'MP'=>"Northern Mariana Islands", NULL => '* (Not Available)', ); /*active and other taxonomy (non active)*/ $othertax = array(); $taxarr = array(); $switch = 50; for($i=0;$i<15;$i++) { $park = $switch + $i*4; if(!empty($myrow[$park])) { $othertax[$i][0] = $myrow[$park-3]; $othertax[$i][1] = $myrow[$park-2]; $othertax[$i][2] = $myrow[$park-1]; $othertax[$i][3] = $myrow[$park]; $taxarr[$i] = "".$myrow[$park-3].""; } if($myrow[$park]=="Y" || $myrow[$park]=="X" || $i==0) { $taxonomy = $myrow[$park-3]; $license = $myrow[$park-2]; $fullstate1 = $states[$myrow[$park-1]] ?? $myrow[$park-1]; } } $sql3 = "select * from taxonomy where code IN ('".implode("','",$taxarr)."')"; $query3 = MySQLi_query($link,$sql3); $type1 = $class1 = $special1 = $definition1 = array(); $i=0; while($myrow1 = MySQLi_fetch_array($query3, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { $code1 = $myrow1[0]; $type1[$code1] = $myrow1[1]; $class2[$code1] = $myrow1[2]; $special1[$code1] = $myrow1[3]; $definition1[$code1] = $myrow1[4]; if($special1[$code1]!="") { $class1[$code1] = $class2[$code1]." - ".$special1[$code1]; } else $class1[$code1] = $class2[$code1]; $class1[$code1] = ucwords(strtolower($class1[$code1])); $i++; } $activeclass = $class1[$taxonomy]; $activetype = $class2[$taxonomy]; /*other identifiers*/ $other = array(); $switch = 107; for($i=0;$i<50;$i++) { $park = $switch + $i*4; if($myrow[$park]!=NULL) { $other[$i][0]=$myrow[$park]; $other[$i][1]=$myrow[$park+1]; $other[$i][2]=$myrow[$park+2]; $other[$i][3]=$myrow[$park+3]; } else break; } $soleprop = $myrow['A308']; $mflag = $myrow['mflag']; $fullname = trim(ucwords(strtolower($prefix." ".$fname." ".$mname." ".$lname." ".$suffix)).", ".$credential); $fullname = str_replace(' ,',',',$fullname); //remove space before comma, if any. $fullname = str_replace('.','',$fullname); //remove all periods $fullname = str_replace(' ',' ',$fullname); //3 to 1 $fullname = str_replace(' ',' ',$fullname); //2 to 1 $fullnamewnc = trim(ucwords(strtolower($prefix." ".$fname." ".$mname." ".$lname." ".$suffix))); $fullnamewnc = str_replace(' ,',',',$fullnamewnc); //remove space before comma, if any. $fullnamewnc = str_replace('.','',$fullnamewnc); //remove all periods $fullnamewnc = str_replace(' ',' ',$fullnamewnc); //3 to 1 $fullnamewnc = str_replace(' ',' ',$fullnamewnc); //2 to 1 $ofullname= trim(ucwords(strtolower($oprefix." ".$ofname." ".$omname." ".$olname." ".$osuffix)).", ".$ocredential); $ofullname = str_replace(' ,',',',$ofullname); //remove space before comma, if any. $ofullname = str_replace('.','',$ofullname); //remove all periods $ofullname = str_replace(' ',' ',$ofullname); //3 to 1 $ofullname = str_replace(' ',' ',$ofullname); //2 to 1 $fulladdress = "
"; if($address1!="") $fulladdress = $fulladdress.$address1; if($address2!="") $fulladdress = $fulladdress.", ".$address2; $fulladdress = $fulladdress.",
".$cityname.", ".$statename." ".$zip."
"; $mfulladdress = "
"; if($maddress1!="") $mfulladdress = $mfulladdress.$maddress1; if($maddress2!="") $mfulladdress = $mfulladdress.", ".$maddress2; $mfulladdress = $mfulladdress.",
".$mcityname.", ".$mstatename." ".$mzip."
"; $fullstate = $states[$statename] ?? $statename; $mfullstate = $states[$mstatename] ?? $mstatename; $fullpracticeaddress = $address1; if($address2!="") $fullpracticeaddress = $fullpracticeaddress.", ".$address2; $fullpracticeaddress = $fullpracticeaddress.", ".$cityname.", ".$fullstate; //$mapaddress = implode("+",explode(" ",$fullpracticeaddress)); $mapaddress = urlencode($fullpracticeaddress); $fullmailingaddress = $maddress1; if($maddress2!="") $fullmailingaddress = $fullmailingaddress.", ".$maddress2; $fullmailingaddress = $fullmailingaddress.", ".$mcityname.", ".$mfullstate; $providerlink = "https://www.medicareusa.org/?doctor/".$doctorlink."/"; /* mflag Description "Y" - Accepts Medicare. (All things Yes) "M" - May Accept Medicare. (All things Yes but may not accept medicare) "P" - Medicare Enrolled (order and refer) and two cases based on presence in reassign table: 1. Either don't accept medicare assignment but can order and refer or 2. Have reassigned the medicare benefits to hospitals, clinics or other practitioners. "I" - Medicare enrolled but only for precribing medicare part D drugs. May not claim. "N" - Not enrolled with medicare, thus, no to all medicare related questions. */ if($mflag=="Y"||$mflag=="M") { /*Medicare Related Data*/ $first=0; $group = ""; $sql2 = "Select SQL_NO_CACHE * from newmedicare1 where NPI = '$npi'"; $query2 = MySQLi_query($link,$sql2); while($myrow = MySQLi_fetch_array($query2, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { if($first==0) { //Do this only once to copy things from 1st row in result $PACID = $myrow['PACID']; $PEID = $myrow['PEID']; $School = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['School'])); $Spec = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['Spec'])); //$AllSpecs = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['AllSpecs'])); $Gyear = $myrow['Gyear']; $thisyear = date("Y"); $experience = $thisyear - $Gyear; $assignments = $myrow['Medicare']; $sql6 = "Select Facility_Type,Parent_CCN,LCCN,OCCN,link from facility_aff where PACID = '$PACID'"; $query6 = MySQLi_query($link,$sql6); $mcount = 0; $ftype = $pccn = $lccn = $occn = $ccnlink = array(); while($myrow6 = MySQLi_fetch_array($query6, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { $ccnlink[$mcount] = $myrow6['link']; if(!empty($ccnlink[$mcount])) { $ftype[$mcount] = $myrow6['Facility_Type']; $pccn[$mcount] = $myrow6['Parent_CCN']; $lccn[$mcount] = $myrow6['LCCN']; $occn[$mcount] = ucwords(strtolower($myrow6['OCCN'])); $mcount++; } } $OrgName[$first] = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['OrgName'])); $GPPACID[$first] = $myrow['GPPACID']; $Members[$first] = $myrow['Members']; if(!empty($OrgName[$first])) $group = $OrgName[$first]; } else { $OrgName[$first] = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['OrgName'])); $GPPACID[$first] = $myrow['GPPACID']; $Members[$first] = $myrow['Members']; if(!empty($OrgName[$first]) AND empty($group)) { $group = $OrgName[$first]; } else if(!empty($OrgName[$first]) AND !empty($group)) { $group = $group.", ".$OrgName[$first]; } } $first++; } } else if($mflag=="P") { $sql2 = "Select SQL_NO_CACHE * from ppee where NPI = '$npi'"; $query2 = MySQLi_query($link,$sql2); $myrow = MySQLi_fetch_array($query2, MYSQLI_BOTH); $PACID = $myrow['PACID']; $PEID = $myrow['EID']; $Spec = $activetype; } else if($mflag=="I") { $Spec = $activetype; } $taxlist = array( 'cardiovascular-disease'=>array('207RC0000X','Cardiovascular Disease','cardiovascular-disease'), 'gastroenterology'=>array('207RG0100X','Gastroenterology','gastroenterology'), 'hematology-oncology'=>array('207RH0003X','Hematology & Oncology','hematology-oncology'), 'nephrology'=>array('207RN0300X','Nephrology','nephrology'), 'pulmonary-disease'=>array('207RP1001X','Pulmonary Disease','pulmonary-disease'), 'infectious-disease'=>array('207RI0200X','Infectious Disease','infectious-disease'), 'endocrinology-diabetes'=>array('207RE0101X','Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism','endocrinology-diabetes'), 'rheumatology'=>array('207RR0500X','Rheumatology','rheumatology'), 'critical-care'=>array('207RC0200X','Critical Care Medicine','critical-care'), 'geriatric-medicine'=>array('207RG0300X','Geriatric Medicine','geriatric-medicine'), 'internal-medicine'=>array('207R','Internal Medicine','internal-medicine'), 'family-medicine'=>array('207Q','Family Medicine','family-medicine'), 'anesthesiology'=>array('207L','Anesthesiology','anesthesiology'), 'psychiatry'=>array('2084','Psychiatry & Neurology','psychiatry'), 'radiology'=>array('2085','Radiology','radiology'), 'obstetrics-gynecology'=>array('207V','Obstetrics & Gynecology','obstetrics-gynecology'), 'surgery'=>array('2086','Surgery','surgery'), 'orthopedic-surgery'=>array('207X','Orthopedic Surgery','orthopedic-surgery'), 'emergency-medicine'=>array('207P','Emergency Medicine','emergency-medicine'), 'ophthalmology'=>array('207W','Ophthalmology','ophthalmology'), 'pediatrics'=>array('2080','Pediatrics','pediatrics'), 'pathology'=>array('207Z','Pathology','pathology'), 'dermatology'=>array('207N','Dermatology','dermatology'), 'urology'=>array('2088','Urology','urology'), 'ent'=>array('207Y','Otolaryngology','ent'), 'physiatry'=>array('2081','Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation','physiatry'), 'hospitalist'=>array('208M','Hospitalist','hospitalist'), 'general-practice'=>array('208D','General Practice','general-practice'), 'neurological-surgery'=>array('207T','Neurological Surgery','neurological-surgery'), 'thoracic-surgery'=>array('208G','Thoracic Surgery (Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery)','thoracic-surgery'), 'plastic-surgery'=>array('2082','Plastic Surgery','plastic-surgery'), 'allergy-immunology'=>array('207K','Allergy & Immunology','allergy-immunology'), 'pain-medicine'=>array('208V','Pain Medicine','pain-medicine'), 'preventive-medicine'=>array('2083','Preventive Medicine','preventive-medicine'), ); $first4 = substr($taxonomy,0,4); $catlink = ""; $catname = ""; foreach($taxlist as $mytax) { if($taxonomy==$mytax[0]||$first4==$mytax[0]) { $catlink = "https://www.medicareusa.org/?".$mytax[2]."/"; $catname = $mytax[1]; break; } } $temp = explode(" ",strtolower($cityname)); $tempcity = urlencode(implode("-",$temp)); $tempstate = strtolower($statename); $statelink = $catlink.$tempstate."/"; $citylink = $statelink.$tempcity."/"; // Setting Provider verbs if($gender == 'M'){ $gender1 = "Male"; $gpronoun = "he"; $ugpronoun = "He"; $ugverb = "His"; $gverb = "his"; } else if($gender == 'F'){ $gender1 = "Female"; $gpronoun = "she"; $ugpronoun = "She"; $ugverb = "Her"; $gverb = "her"; } if($mflag!="N") { $desc = $fullname." in ".$cityname.", ".$statename." - Medicare ".$Spec." Details including NPI, Practice Location and Contact Numbers. Find if $fullnamewnc participate in medicare and accept medicare assignments."; $title = $fullname." in ".$cityname.", ".$statename." - Medicare ".$Spec; $header = $fullname." - Medicare ".$Spec." in ".$cityname.", ".$statename; } else { $desc = $fullname." in ".$cityname.", ".$statename." - ".$activetype." Details including NPI, Practice Location and Contact Numbers. Find if $fullnamewnc participate in medicare and accept medicare assignments."; $title = $fullname." in ".$cityname.", ".$statename." - ".$activetype; $header = $fullname." - ".$activetype." in ".$cityname.", ".$statename; } $advert = '
'; $advertdesktop = '
'; $adlink = ' '; ?> <?php echo $title;?> | MedicareUSA

$fullname is a medicare enrolled \"$activeclass\" physician in $cityname, $fullstate. "; if(!empty($Gyear)) { if($School!="Other") echo "$ugpronoun went to $School and graduated in $Gyear "; else echo "$ugpronoun graduated from medical school in $Gyear "; echo "and has $experience years of diverse experience with area of expertise as $Spec. "; } if(!empty($group)) echo "$ugpronoun is a member of the group practice $group and $gverb "; else echo "$ugverb"; echo " current practice location is $fullpracticeaddress. You can reach out to $gverb office (for appointments etc.) via phone at $phone."; echo "

$fullnamewnc is licensed to practice in $fullstate1 (license number $license) and $gpronoun also participates in the medicare program. "; } else { echo "$fullname is a $activeclass physician based in $cityname, $fullstate. "; echo "$fullnamewnc is licensed to practice in $fullstate1 (license number $license) and $gverb current practice location is $fullpracticeaddress. "; echo "$ugpronoun can be reached at $gverb office (for appointments etc.) via phone at $phone.

"; echo "NPI number for $fullnamewnc is $npi and $gverb current mailing address is $fullmailingaddress. "; } if($mflag=="Y") echo "$ugpronoun accepts medicare assignments (which means $gpronoun accepts the Medicare-approved amount; you will not be billed for any more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance) and $gverb NPI Number is $npi."; else if($mflag=="M") echo "$ugpronoun may accept medicare assignments (which means $gpronoun may accept the Medicare-approved amount; you may be billed for more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance) and $gverb NPI Number is $npi."; else if($mflag=="P") echo "$ugpronoun does not accept medicare assignments directly but $gpronoun may accept medicare through third-party (refer to Reassignment section below) and may also prescribe medicare part D drugs. $ugverb NPI Number is $npi."; else if($mflag=="I") echo "$ugpronoun is enrolled with medicare but does not accept medicare assignments but since $gpronoun is enrolled in medicare, $gpronoun may order Medicare Part D Prescription drugs, if eligible. $ugverb NPI Number is $npi."; else if($mflag=="N") echo "$ugpronoun does not participate in medicare program and thus does not accept medicare assignments. $ugverb NPI Number is $npi."; echo "
"; //Ad only on desktop echo "$advertdesktop"; ?>

Contact Information


"; ?>

Physician's Profile

"; echo ""; if($mflag=="Y"||$mflag=="M") { echo ""; echo ""; } else echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; ?>
Full Name$fullnamewnc
Experience$experience Years
Location$address1, $cityname, $fullstate
Accepts Medicare Assignments"; if($mflag=="Y") echo "Yes. $ugpronoun accepts the Medicare-approved amount; you will not be billed for any more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance."; else if($mflag=="M") echo "May be. $ugpronoun may accept the Medicare-approved amount; you may be billed for more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance."; else if($mflag=="P") echo "Medicare enrolled and may accept medicare through third-party reassignment. May prescribe medicare part D drugs."; else if($mflag=="I") echo "Medicare enrolled but does not accept medicare assignments. May prescribe medicare part D drugs."; else if($mflag=="N") echo "Does not participate in Medicare Program. $ugpronoun may not accept medicare assignment."; echo "
  Medical Education and Training:
'; if($School!=="Other") echo "
  • $fullnamewnc attended and graduated from $School in $Gyear
"; else echo "
  • $fullnamewnc graduated from medical school in $Gyear
"; } ?>
  NPI Data:
    NPI Number: $npi"; echo "
  • Provider Enumeration Date: $enumdate
  • "; echo "
  • Last Update Date: $updatedate
  • "; ?>
  Medicare PECOS Information:
    '; echo "
  • "; echo "
  • Enrollment ID: $PEID
"; } ?>

Medical Identifiers

Medical identifiers for such as npi, medicare ID, medicare PIN, medicaid, etc. "; // if other identifier exist, show below table $i=0; if(isset($other[$i][0])) { $otherid = array( '01'=>"Other", '02'=>"Medicare UPIN", '04'=>"Medicare ID-Type Unspecified", '05'=>"Medicaid", '06'=>"Medicare OSCAR/CERTIFICATION", '07'=>"Medicare NSC", '08'=>"Medicare PIN" ); for($i=0;$i<50;$i++) { if(isset($other[$i][0])) { $A = $other[$i][0]; $B = $other[$i][1]; $C = $other[$i][2]; $D = $other[$i][3]; $idtype = $otherid[$B]; echo ""; } else break; } } ?>

Medical Taxonomies and Licenses

"; } } ?>
TaxonomyTypeLicense (State)Status
$thistax$thisclass $thislicense ($thisstate)$activestatus
0) { echo '

Medical Facilities Affiliation

'; for($k=0;$k<$mcount;$k++) { $ccnlink[$k] = $home."/".$ccnlink[$k]; echo "\n"; } echo "
Facility NameLocationFacility Type
"; } ?>

Group Practice Association

'; for($i=0;$i<$first;$i++) { echo ""; } echo "
Group Practice NameGroup PECOS PAC IDNo. of Members
"; } } ?>

Medicare Reassignments

'; echo "Some practitioners may not bill the customers directly but medicare billing happens through clinics / group practice / hospitals where the provider works. Medicare reassignment of benefits is a mechanism by which practitioners allow third parties to bill and receive payment for medicare services performed by them. $fullnamewnc allows following entities to bill medicare on $gverb behalf.
"; } $tfirst++; $tNPI = $myrow2['NPI']; $tPACID = $myrow2['PACID']; $tPEID = $myrow2['EID']; $tType = ucwords(strtolower($myrow2['TypeDesc'])); $tState = $myrow2['State']; if(!empty($myrow2['Org'])) { $tName = ucwords(strtolower($myrow2['Org'])); } else { if(!empty($myrow2['MName'])) $tName = ucwords(strtolower($myrow2['FName']." ".$myrow2['MName']." ".$myrow2['LName'])); else $tName = ucwords(strtolower($myrow2['FName']." ".$myrow2['LName'])); } echo ''; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
Entity Name$tName
Entity Type$tType
Entity IdentifiersNPI Number: $tNPI
Enrollment ID: $tPEID
"; } } ?>

Medicare Part D Prescriber Enrollment

'; if($mflag!="N") echo "Any physician or other eligible professional who prescribes Part D drugs must either enroll in the Medicare program or opt out in order to prescribe drugs to their patients with Part D prescription drug benefit plans. $fullnamewnc is enrolled with medicare and thus, if eligible, can prescribe medicare part D drugs to patients with medicare part D benefits.
"; else echo "Any physician or other eligible professional who prescribes Part D drugs must either enroll in the Medicare program or opt out in order to prescribe drugs to their patients with Part D prescription drug benefit plans. $fullnamewnc is NOT enrolled with medicare and thus cannot prescribe medicare part D drugs to patients with medicare part D benefits.
"; echo "
"; ?>

Medicare Quality Measures

'; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
Quality ProgramParticipation
Reported to Medicare Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) $PQRS
Used Electronic Health Record (EHR) $EHR
Committed to heart health through the Million Hearts Initiative $MHI
"; } */ ?>

Mailing Address and Practice Location

"; ?>
Mailing AddressPractice Location Address
Ph: $mphone
Ph: $phone

News Archive

Ionian Technologies receives supplemental funding from the Gates Foundation

Ionian Technologies, Inc., will continue its efforts to develop a rapid point-of-care diagnostics platform for use in the developing world with supplemental funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This grant from the Foundation will extend the total commitment to this program, which was initiated in November 2008, to $3 million over two years.

Personalities: Democrats continue to wrangle while GOP seeks to make use of summer momentum gains

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Anthracyclines improve survival in HER2-positive breast cancer patients

Treatment with the class of chemotherapy drugs called anthracyclines improves survival in women with HER2-positive breast cancer who have previously had surgery, but it may not offer any benefit for women with HER2-negative tumors, according to a study published online December 25 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Burnout linked to higher risk for abnormal heart rhythm

A new study published in January 2020 in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology shows that burnout could really cause your heart to fail as a result of an abnormal heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation (AF).

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› Verified 2 days ago

$activetype Doctors in $cityname, $statename"; $sql4 = "Select A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,A11,A29,A30,A31,A32,A33,A35,A36,A42,A48,mflag,link from doctors where Code='$code' AND A32='$statename' AND A31='$cityname' LIMIT 7"; $query4 = MySQLi_query($link,$sql4); echo ""; while($myrow = MySQLi_fetch_array($query4, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { $npi = $myrow['A1']; $entity = $myrow['A2']; $lname = $myrow['A6']; $fname = $myrow['A7']; $mname = $myrow['A8']; $prefix = $myrow['A9']; $suffix = $myrow['A10']; $credential = $myrow['A11']; $cityname = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['A31'])); $statename = $myrow['A32']; $zip = substr($myrow['A33'],0,5); $address1 = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['A29'])); $address2 = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['A30'])); $phone = substr($myrow['A35'],0,3)."-".substr($myrow['A35'],3,3)."-".substr($myrow['A35'],6); if(!empty($myrow['A36'])) $fax = substr($myrow['A36'],0,3)."-".substr($myrow['A36'],3,3)."-".substr($myrow['A36'],6); else $fax =""; $orgname = $myrow['A5']; $gender = $myrow['A42']; $doclink = $myrow['link']; if($myrow['mflag']=="Y") $mflag = "Accepting Medicare Assignments"; else if($myrow['mflag']=="M") $mflag = "May Accept Medicare Assignments"; else if($myrow['mflag']=="P"||$myrow['mflag']=="I") $mflag = "Medicare Enrolled"; else $mflag = "Not Enrolled in Medicare"; $fullname = ucwords(strtolower(trim($prefix." ".$fname." ".$mname." ".$lname." ".$suffix))); $fullname = str_replace(' ',' ',$fullname); $printname = $fullname.", ".$credential; $fulladdress=""; if($address1!="") $fulladdress = $address1.", "; if($address2!="") $fulladdress = $fulladdress.$address2.", "; $fulladdress = $fulladdress.$cityname.", ".$statename." ".$zip; $branchlink = "https://www.medicareusa.org/?doctor/".$doclink."/"; if($doclink!=$doctorlink) { echo ""; } } echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "$catname
Medicare: $mflag
Practice Location: $fulladdress
"; echo "Phone: $phone    "; if(!empty($fax)) echo "Fax: $fax"; echo "
"; } ?>