Anna Loren Kaus, PT, DPT - Physical Therapist in Apo, AA

Anna Loren Kaus, PT, DPT is a Physical Therapist based in Apo, Armed Forces Americas. Anna Loren Kaus is licensed to practice in Illinois (license number 070013857) and her current practice location is 4076 Neeley Road, Apo, Armed Forces Americas. She can be reached at her office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (907) 361-5237.

NPI number for Anna Loren Kaus is 1578529293 and her current mailing address is 1007 Akiak Ave, Fairbanks, Alaska. She does not participate in medicare program and thus does not accept medicare assignments. Her NPI Number is 1578529293.

Contact Information

Anna Loren Kaus, PT, DPT
4076 Neeley Road,
Apo, AA 99703
(907) 361-5237
Not Available

Healthcare Provider's Profile

Full NameAnna Loren Kaus
SpecialityPhysical Therapist
Location4076 Neeley Road, Apo, Armed Forces Americas
Accepts Medicare AssignmentsDoes not participate in Medicare Program. She may not accept medicare assignment.
  NPI Data:
  • NPI Number: 1578529293
  • Provider Enumeration Date: 04/21/2006
  • Last Update Date: 04/28/2017

Medical Identifiers

Medical identifiers for Anna Loren Kaus such as npi, medicare ID, medicare PIN, medicaid, etc.

Medical Taxonomies and Licenses

TaxonomyTypeLicense (State)Status
225100000XPhysical Therapist 070013857 (Illinois)Primary

Medicare Part D Prescriber Enrollment

Any physician or other eligible professional who prescribes Part D drugs must either enroll in the Medicare program or opt out in order to prescribe drugs to their patients with Part D prescription drug benefit plans. Anna Loren Kaus is NOT enrolled with medicare and thus cannot prescribe medicare part D drugs to patients with medicare part D benefits.

Mailing Address and Practice Location

Mailing AddressPractice Location Address
Anna Loren Kaus, PT, DPT
1007 Akiak Ave,
Fairbanks, AK 99701-1417

Ph: (708) 275-0191
Anna Loren Kaus, PT, DPT
4076 Neeley Road,
Apo, AA 99703

Ph: (907) 361-5237

News Archive

National Vaccine Information Center to launch a research fundraising campaign

At the Oct. 2-4, 2009 Fourth International Public Conference on Vaccination sponsored by the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center in Reston, VA, 700 citizens from 44 states and 11 nations raised more than $100,000 to launch an international scientific research fundraising campaign to investigate health differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated children and identify those at risk for suffering vaccine injury.

Study suggests bright light therapy may improve sleep and brain function post mild TBI

A new study suggests that bright light therapy may improve sleep, cognition, emotion and brain function following mild traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Fluidigm fourth quarter product revenue increases 25% to $15.4 million

Fluidigm Corporation today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2012.

Jumping elements in primates may have important consequences for studies of human genetic diseases

The density of transposable (jumping) elements between sex chromosomes in primates may have important consequences for the studies of human genetic diseases, say Penn State University researchers.

Read more News

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Physical Therapist in Apo, AA

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Physical Therapist
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: 1557 Front St, Apo, AA 99703
Phone: 602-826-0037    
Erik Pfundstein, DPT, CSCS
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
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Phone: 774-961-2220    
Justin Elmore, PT
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: Bld 301a Andrews Avenue, United States Aeromedical Center, Apo, AA 36362
Phone: 334-255-7000    
Mr. Nathan Gale Dailey, DPT, CSCS
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Medicare: Accepting Medicare Assignments
Practice Location: 36065 Sante Fe Ave, Department Of Physical Therapy, Crdamc, Apo, AA 76544
Phone: 254-288-8040    Fax: 254-288-8044

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Doctors and clinicians: Doctors and clinicians include doctors, clinicians and groups who are qualified to practice in many specialties. Each specialty focuses on certain parts of the body, periods of life, conditions, or primary care. The doctors, clinicians, and groups listed here typically work in an office or clinic setting. Also those who currently accept Medicare are included.

Hospitals: Find information about Medicare-certified hospitals and long-term care hospitals in your area, including Veterans Administration medical centers and military hospitals, across the country. Long-term care hospitals serve critically ill and medically complex patients who require extended hospital care.

Data provided: Information on is built using open data sources published by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

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