Mrs Melissa L Tennant, PT - Physical Therapist in Frederick, MD

Mrs Melissa L Tennant, PT is a Physical Therapist based in Frederick, Maryland. Mrs Melissa L Tennant is licensed to practice in North Carolina (license number 8644) and her current practice location is 1434 Porter St, Frederick, Maryland. She can be reached at her office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (301) 619-8607.

NPI number for Mrs Melissa L Tennant is 1073558961 and her current mailing address is 1270 Montevue Lane (area B), Fort Detrick, Maryland. She does not participate in medicare program and thus does not accept medicare assignments. Her NPI Number is 1073558961.

Contact Information

Mrs Melissa L Tennant, PT
1434 Porter St,
Frederick, MD 21702-9254
(301) 619-8607
Not Available

Healthcare Provider's Profile

Full NameMrs Melissa L Tennant
SpecialityPhysical Therapist
Location1434 Porter St, Frederick, Maryland
Accepts Medicare AssignmentsDoes not participate in Medicare Program. She may not accept medicare assignment.
  NPI Data:
  • NPI Number: 1073558961
  • Provider Enumeration Date: 06/17/2006
  • Last Update Date: 10/11/2023

Medical Identifiers

Medical identifiers for Mrs Melissa L Tennant such as npi, medicare ID, medicare PIN, medicaid, etc.

Medical Taxonomies and Licenses

TaxonomyTypeLicense (State)Status
225100000XPhysical Therapist 8644 (North Carolina)Primary

Medicare Part D Prescriber Enrollment

Any physician or other eligible professional who prescribes Part D drugs must either enroll in the Medicare program or opt out in order to prescribe drugs to their patients with Part D prescription drug benefit plans. Mrs Melissa L Tennant is NOT enrolled with medicare and thus cannot prescribe medicare part D drugs to patients with medicare part D benefits.

Mailing Address and Practice Location

Mailing AddressPractice Location Address
Mrs Melissa L Tennant, PT
1270 Montevue Lane (area B),
Fort Detrick, MD 21702

Ph: (301) 619-8607
Mrs Melissa L Tennant, PT
1434 Porter St,
Frederick, MD 21702-9254

Ph: (301) 619-8607

News Archive

Survival rates for multivisceral transplants increase with new treatment strategies

Data from the largest single-center experience of adult and pediatric intestinal and multivisceral transplantation show that survival rates have improved with the advent of innovative surgical techniques, novel immunosuppressive protocols and better post-operative management, said researchers at the Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute in a study published in the October issue of Annals of Surgery.

Inhibitex to raise $23 million through private placement

Inhibitex, Inc. today announced that it has entered into definitive purchase agreements with institutional investors for the sale of approximately $23 million of its common stock, and warrants to purchase common stock, in a private placement.

Medicare advantage enrollees will see more changes to plans

Medicare Advantage enrollees should make a habit of evaluating their options each year. Though experts say that beneficiaries won't be seeing a lot of changes this time and what changes there are will mostly be for the better it is a good idea for people to go through this annual drill before enrollment ends Dec. 31, just to make sure their plan choice remains a good one.

First recording of cortically induced neural activity of basal ganglia in Parkinson's disease, dystonia during DBS

Movement disorders such as Parkinson's diseases and dystonia are caused by abnormal neural activity of the basal ganglia located deep in the brain. The basal ganglia are connected to the cerebral cortex in the brain surface through complex neural circuits.

Having a bath regularly reduces risk of cardiovascular disease

A new study, published online in the journal Heart in March 2020, reports that with hot water, it seems to be a case of washing away health problems – literally. As a result, the more a person uses hot tubs, the better in terms of cardiovascular health. In other words, soaking in hot water daily improves heart health more than having a hot tub once or twice a day.

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Physical Therapist in Frederick, MD

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Doctors and clinicians: Doctors and clinicians include doctors, clinicians and groups who are qualified to practice in many specialties. Each specialty focuses on certain parts of the body, periods of life, conditions, or primary care. The doctors, clinicians, and groups listed here typically work in an office or clinic setting. Also those who currently accept Medicare are included.

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