"Armed Forces Americas", 'AE'=>"Armed Forces Europe", 'AL'=>"Alabama", 'AK'=>"Alaska", 'AP'=>"Armed Forces Pacific", 'AS'=>"American Samoa", 'AZ'=>"Arizona", 'AR'=>"Arkansas", 'CA'=>"California", 'CO'=>"Colorado", 'CT'=>"Connecticut", 'DE'=>"Delaware", 'DC'=>"District Of Columbia", 'FL'=>"Florida", 'FM'=>"Micronesia", 'FPO'=>"FPO", 'GA'=>"Georgia", 'GU'=>"Guam", 'HI'=>"Hawaii", 'ID'=>"Idaho", 'IL'=>"Illinois", 'IN'=>"Indiana", 'IA'=>"Iowa", 'KS'=>"Kansas", 'KY'=>"Kentucky", 'LA'=>"Louisiana", 'ME'=>"Maine", 'MD'=>"Maryland", 'MA'=>"Massachusetts", 'MH'=>"Marshall Islands", 'MI'=>"Michigan", 'MN'=>"Minnesota", 'MS'=>"Mississippi", 'MO'=>"Missouri", 'MT'=>"Montana", 'NE'=>"Nebraska", 'NV'=>"Nevada", 'NH'=>"New Hampshire", 'NJ'=>"New Jersey", 'NM'=>"New Mexico", 'NY'=>"New York", 'NC'=>"North Carolina", 'ND'=>"North Dakota", 'OH'=>"Ohio", 'OK'=>"Oklahoma", 'OR'=>"Oregon", 'PA'=>"Pennsylvania", 'PW'=>"Palau", 'RI'=>"Rhode Island", 'SC'=>"South Carolina", 'SD'=>"South Dakota", 'TN'=>"Tennessee", 'TX'=>"Texas", 'UT'=>"Utah", 'VT'=>"Vermont", 'VA'=>"Virginia", 'VI'=>"Virgin Island", 'WA'=>"Washington", 'WV'=>"West Virginia", 'WI'=>"Wisconsin", 'WY'=>"Wyoming", 'PR'=>"Puerto Rico", 'MP'=>"Northern Mariana Islands", ); $taxarr = array( '331L00000X'=>'Blood Bank', '332000000X'=>'Military/U.S. Coast Guard Pharmacy', '332100000X'=>'Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy', '332800000X'=>'Indian Health Service/Tribal/Urban Indian Health (I/T/U) Pharmacy', '332900000X'=>'Non-Pharmacy Dispensing Site', '332B00000X'=>'Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies', '332BC3200X'=>'DME Supplier - Customized Equipment', '332BD1200X'=>'DME Supplier - Dialysis Equipment & Supplies', '332BN1400X'=>'DME Supplier - Nursing Facility Supplies', '332BP3500X'=>'DME Supplier - Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition', '332BX2000X'=>'DME Supplier - Oxygen Equipment & Supplies', '332G00000X'=>'Eye Bank', '332H00000X'=>'Eyewear Supplier (Equipment, not the service)', '332S00000X'=>'Hearing Aid Equipment', '332U00000X'=>'Home Delivered Meals', '333300000X'=>'Emergency Response System Companies', '333600000X'=>'Pharmacy', '3336C0002X'=>'Clinic Pharmacy', '3336C0003X'=>'Community/Retail Pharmacy', '3336C0004X'=>'Compounding Pharmacy', '3336H0001X'=>'Home Infusion Therapy Pharmacy', '3336I0012X'=>'Institutional Pharmacy', '3336L0003X'=>'Long Term Care Pharmacy', '3336M0002X'=>'Mail Order Pharmacy', '3336M0003X'=>'Managed Care Organization Pharmacy', '3336N0007X'=>'Nuclear Pharmacy', '3336S0011X'=>'Specialty Pharmacy', '335E00000X'=>'Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier', '335G00000X'=>'Medical Foods Supplier', '335U00000X'=>'Organ Procurement Organization', '335V00000X'=>'Portable X-Ray Supplier', ); $case = 1; if(isset($var[2])&&($var[2]!="")) { $state = strtolower($var[2]); $ustate = strtoupper($state); $shortstate = strtoupper($state); $statelink = $classlink.$state."/"; $fullstate = $states[strtoupper($state)]; $case = 2; } if(isset($var[2])&&isset($var[3])&&($var[2]!="")&&($var[3]!="")) { $city1 = strtolower($var[3]); $citylink = $statelink.$city1."/"; $temp = explode("-",$city1); $city = implode(" ",$temp); $fullcity = ucwords($city); $case = 3; if($city1=="all") { include 'allcities-supplier.php'; exit; } } $docsinpage = 20; $count = 0; $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "pencil123", "medicare"); if (!$link) { echo "Error: Unable to connect to MySQL." . PHP_EOL; echo "Debugging errno: " . mysqli_connect_errno() . PHP_EOL; exit; } if($case==3) { $sql2 = "Select doccount from suppliercount where state='$state' and city='$city'"; } else if($case==2) { $sql2 = "Select sum(doccount) from suppliercount where state='$state' group by state"; } else if($case==1) { $sql2 = "Select sum(doccount) from suppliercount"; } $query2 = MySQLi_query($link,$sql2); $myrow = MySQLi_fetch_array($query2, MYSQLI_BOTH); $nofdocs = $myrow[0]; $npages = ceil($nofdocs/$docsinpage); if($case == 1) { $desc = "Medicare Suppliers - DME Suppliers, Pharmacies and Prosthetic/Orthotic Suppliers. Find Medicare Competitive Bidding Area, NPI number, Zip Codes, Address and Contact details for all medicare suppliers in USA"; $title = "Medicare Suppliers - Address, Contact, NPI"; $title1 = "Medicare Suppliers - Location and Contact"; $header = "Medicare Suppliers in USA"; } else if ( $case == 2) { $desc = "Medicare Suppliers in ".$fullstate.". Find Medicare DME Suppliers, Pharmacies and Prosthetic/Orthotic Suppliers in ".$fullstate." and locate CBA zip codes, NPI number, address and contact details for all medicare suppliers in ".$fullstate; $title = "Medicare Suppliers in ".$fullstate." - Location, Contact, NPI Details"; $title1 = "Medicare Suppliers in ".$fullstate." - Address, Contact"; $header = "Medicare Suppliers in ".$fullstate; } else if ($case == 3) { $desc = "Medicare Suppliers in ".$fullcity.", ".$fullstate.". Find Medicare DME Suppliers, Pharmacies and Prosthetic/Orthotic Suppliers in ".$fullcity." and locate CBA zip codes, NPI number, address and contact details for all medicare suppliers in ".$fullcity.", ".$fullstate; $title1 = "Medicare Suppliers in ".$fullcity.", ".$shortstate; $title = "Medicare Suppliers in ".$fullcity.", ".$shortstate." - Address, Contact, NPI"; $header = "Medicare Suppliers in ".$fullcity.", ".$fullstate; } ?> <?php echo $title;?> | MedicareUSA "; } if ($page == 2) { echo ""; } else if($page != 1) { $ppage=$page - 1; $prev=$canonicalurl."?page=".$ppage; echo ""; } if($page!=$npages) { $npage=$page + 1; $next=$canonicalurl."?page=".$npage; echo ""; } $advert = ' '; $adlinkresp = ' '; $adlink = ' '; $replace_linkad = ' '; ?>

$nofdocs Medicare Suppliers found. Showing $showstart - $showend"; echo ""; /*Select relevant branches*/ $qonpage = 0; if($case==3) { $sql3 = "Select * from mysuppliers where State='$state' AND City='$city' LIMIT $offset, $docsinpage"; } else if($case==2) { $sql3 = "Select * from mysuppliers where State='$state' LIMIT $offset, $docsinpage"; } else if($case==1) { $sql3 = "Select * from mysuppliers LIMIT $offset, $docsinpage"; } $query3 = MySQLi_query($link,$sql3); echo ""; while($myrow = MySQLi_fetch_array($query3, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { $PID = $myrow['id']; $cname = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['cname'])); $name = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['name'])); $address = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['address'])); $address2 = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['address2'])); $city = ucwords(strtolower($myrow['city'])); $state = $myrow['state']; $zip = $myrow['zip']; $zipplus = $myrow['zipplus']; $phone = $myrow['phone']; $formattedphone = "(".substr($phone,0,3).") ".substr($phone,3,3)."-".substr($phone,6); $supplierlink = $myrow['link']; $A48 = $myrow['A48']; if(!empty($A48)) $type = $taxarr[$A48]; else $type = "Medicare Supplier"; $branchlink = $supplierbase.$supplierlink."/"; $fullstate = $states[$state]; $fulladdress = $address.", ".$city.", ".$fullstate." ".$zip; $qonpage++; if($qonpage==4) { echo ""; } echo ""; } if($qonpage<4) { echo ""; } echo "
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Location: $fulladdress
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  • $i(current)
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  • $i
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$adlinkresp"; } else if($case == 2) { $sql4 = "SELECT * from (Select city, doccount from suppliercount where state='$state' order by doccount desc limit 30) as t1 order by city"; //$sql4 = "Select city, doccount from suppliercount where state='$state' order by city"; echo "Top Cities in $state:
"; $query4 = MySQLi_query($link,$sql4); while($myrow = MySQLi_fetch_array($query4, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { $option = ucwords(strtolower($myrow[0])); $countoption = $myrow[1]; $temp = explode(" ",strtolower($option)); $tempcity = urlencode(implode("-",$temp)); $link1 = $statelink.$tempcity."/"; echo "$option ($countoption)
"; } $allcities = $statelink."all/"; echo "
All Cities in $ustate"; } else if($case == 1) { $sql4 = "Select state, sum(doccount) from suppliercount group by state order by state"; echo "Filter By State:
"; $query4 = MySQLi_query($link,$sql4); while($myrow = MySQLi_fetch_array($query4, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { $option = strtolower($myrow[0]); $countoption = $myrow[1]; $state1 = $states[$myrow[0]]; $link1 = $classlink.$option."/"; echo "$state1 ($countoption)
"; } } ?>

Medicare Suppliers

Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies

Also referred to as DME Suppliers. A supplier of medical equipment such as respirators, wheelchairs, home dialysis systems, or monitoring systems, that are prescribed by a physician for a patient's use in the home and that are usable for an extended period of time.

Community/Retail Pharmacy

A pharmacy where pharmacists store, prepare, and dispense medicinal preparations and/or prescriptions for a local patient population in accordance with federal and state law; counsel patients and caregivers (sometimes independent of the dispensing process); administer vaccinations; and provide other professional services associated with pharmaceutical care such as health screenings, consultative services with other health care providers, collaborative practice, disease state management, and education classes.

Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier

An organization that provides prosthetic and orthotic care which may include, but is not limited to, patient evaluation, prosthesis or orthosis design, fabrication, fitting and modification to treat limb loss for purposes of restoring physiological function and/or cosmesis or to treat a neuromusculoskeletal disorder or acquired condition.
$advert"; ?>