General Practice Doctors Details

16113 General Practice doctors found. Showing 1 - 20
female doctor icon
Victoria Okpala,
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Bldg 9424 Battalion Ave, Apo, AA 76544
Phone: 254-287-6147    
male doctor icon
Michael Gedestad, DO
General Practice
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: 34800 Bob Wilson Dr., Fpo, AA 92134
Phone: 619-532-6400    
female doctor icon
Alexis Brittany Cross, DO
General Practice
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: 4494 Palmer Rd N, Fpo, AA 20814
Phone: 301-295-4000    
female doctor icon
Dr. Tammy Elizabeth Servies, MD
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Psc 1005 Box 11185, Fpo, AA 34009
Phone: 757-458-2998    
male doctor icon
Dr. Scott Gerald Story, M.D.
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Navy Military Support Cmd: Attn: Medical Staff Services, Bldg H 2005 Knight Lane, Jacksonville, Fl, Fpo, AA 32212
Phone: 619-532-6684    
female doctor icon
Bailey Howard, M.D.
General Practice
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: Psc 1005, Box 110185, Fpo, AA 34009
Phone: 240-480-4808    
female doctor icon
Virginia Ann Phillips,
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Unit 33100, Apo, AE 09180
Phone: 314-590-4221    
male doctor icon
Sean Brugman, M.D.
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Bdaach, Camp Humphreys - Bld 3130, Pyeongtaek, S. Korea, Apo, AE 96205
Phone: 031-690-7911    
male doctor icon
James Austin Stewart, D.O.
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Usa Meddac Bavaria, Cmr 411 Bldg 700, Apo, AE 09112
Phone: 314-590-3760    
male doctor icon
Dr. Scott Jacob Andrews, D.O.
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: 52 Mdg, Unit 3690, Apo, AE 09126
Phone: 314-452-8285    
female doctor icon
Nyomi Washington, MD
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Unit 33100, Apo, AE 09180
Phone: 314-590-8298    
male doctor icon
Dr. Benjamin Lee Baker, DO
General Practice
Medicare: Accepting Medicare Assignments
Practice Location: Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Unit 33100, Apo, AE 09180
Phone: 314-542-0170    
female doctor icon
Dr. Jessica Kathleen Rouse, MD
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Unit 33100, Apo, AE 09180
Phone: 314-590-5762    
female doctor icon
Dr. Tiffany Celeste Winston, M.D.
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Unit 33100, Apo, AE 09180
Phone: 314-590-6322    
female doctor icon
Paula Morzenti, M.D.
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Cmr 402, Unit 33100, Apo, AE 09180
Phone: 314-590-7809    
female doctor icon
Rebecca Dillon, MD
General Practice
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Unit 33100, Apo, AE 09180
Phone: 314-590-6042    
male doctor icon
Quinton D Lords, D.O.
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Unit 33100, Apo, AE 09180
Phone: 314-590-4263    
male doctor icon
Morgan Gettle, D.O
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: 48th Mdg, Unit 5115, Apo, AE 09461
Phone: 314-226-8124    
male doctor icon
Dr. Samuel John Kjome, MD
General Practice
Medicare: Accepting Medicare Assignments
Practice Location: 48 Medical Group / Sgop Unit 5210, Box 230, Apo, AE 09461
Phone: 441-638-528010    
male doctor icon
Morgan S Hardy, MD
General Practice
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: 48th Medical Group Raf Lakenheath, Unit 5115, Apo, AE 09461
Phone: 314-226-8603    

News Archive

ASBP raises concern over FDA recommendations to lower BMI requirements for lap-band surgery

The American Society of Bariatric Physicians (ASBP) is concerned that the FDA advisory panel recommended lowering the BMI requirement for lap-band surgery, while the FDA recently denied two new obesity medications. Bariatric surgery is drastic and expensive and carries higher morbidity and mortality risks than lifestyle interventions or medication. Patients who could have otherwise lost weight in a non-surgical medical bariatric program may now be encouraged to skip medical therapy and jump directly to surgery.

WHO begins emergency vaccination campaign to slow measles outbreak in DR Congo

The WHO and government of the DR Congo have begun an emergency vaccination program to stop the spread of measles in the country.

Researchers observer proteins important in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's moving along axons

Using a novel video-imaging system, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have been able to observe proteins important in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease moving along axons, extensions of nerve cells that carry proteins away from the cell body.

Clinician training and support have long-term effect on delivery of alcohol intervention

In primary care settings, training and support of clinicians has a lasting effect on the proportion of adult patients given an alcohol intervention at nine months.

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General Practice: A physician who specializes in the general practice of diagnosing, treating, and managing patients with a variety of illnesses and conditions.

Find & Compare Providers Near You: Find and compare doctors, nursing homes, hospitals, and other health care providers in your area that accept Medicare. Get information like: Find a doctor or clinician that accepts Medicare near you.

Doctors and clinicians: Doctors and clinicians include doctors, clinicians and groups who are qualified to practice in many specialties. Each specialty focuses on certain parts of the body, periods of life, conditions, or primary care. The doctors, clinicians, and groups listed here typically work in an office or clinic setting. Also those who currently accept Medicare are included.

Hospitals: Find information about Medicare-certified hospitals and long-term care hospitals in your area, including Veterans Administration medical centers and military hospitals, across the country. Long-term care hospitals serve critically ill and medically complex patients who require extended hospital care.

Data provided: Information on is built using open data sources published by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

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