Gentiva Health Services in Gaffney, SC - Home Health Agency

Gentiva Health Services is a medicare certified home health care agency in Gaffney, South Carolina. It is located in Gaffney at 206 Chesnee Highway, Suite G & H, Gaffney, South Carolina 29341. You can reach out to the office of Gentiva Health Services via phone at (864) 488-0898. Gentiva Health Services provide healthcare services in Nursing Care, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, Medical Social Services, Home Health Aide. It has the following ownership type - Proprietary.

Gentiva Health Services is certified by CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) and participates in medicare program. This means if you are part of medicare program, you may consider this home health facility for your medical needs. The medicare CCN number for Gentiva Health Services is 427117 and it was first certified by CMS in 2007 (17 years certified).

Contact Information

Gentiva Health Services
206 Chesnee Highway, Suite G & H, Gaffney, South Carolina 29341
(864) 488-0898

Home Healthcare Agency Profile

NameGentiva Health Services
Location206 Chesnee Highway, Suite G & H, Gaffney, South Carolina
Certified ByMedicare
Services OfferedNursing Care
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech Pathology
Medical Social Services
Home Health Aide
Medicare ID427117
Ownership TypeProprietary
Service Area Zip Codes29014, 29031, 29032, 29055, 29178, 29307, 29321, 29323, 29330, 29340, 29341, 29342, 29346, 29353, 29364, 29372, 29374, 29379, 29485, 29634, 29702, 29703, 29704, 29706, 29708, 29710, 29712, 29714, 29715, 29717, 29720, 29726, 29729, 29730, 29731, 29732, 29742, 29743, 29745

NPI for Gentiva Health Services:

Home Healthcare Agencies may have multiple NPI numbers. We have found possible NPI number/s associated with Gentiva Health Services from NPPES records by matching pattern on the basis of name, address, phone number etc. Please use this information accordingly.

NPI Number1891724555
Address206 Chesnee Hwy Unit H, Gaffney, SC 29341
Phone Number864-488-0898

News Archive

Biosense Webster obtains first Ethics Committee approval for CLARITY study

Biosense Webster announces that this week it has obtained its first Ethics Committee approval for the CLARITY study, comparing the 1-year efficacy, safety and efficiency of CARTO(R) 3 System-guided radiofrequency ablation using the NAVISTAR(R) THERMOCOOL(R) Catheter versus fluoroscopy-guided radiofrequency ablation using the Pulmonary Vein Ablation Catheter(R) (PVAC(R), Ablation Frontiers, Medtronic) in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

New 'prediction model' can help hospitals care for COVID-19 patients

Using a combination of demographic and clinical data gathered from seven weeks of COVID-19 patient care early in the coronavirus pandemic, Johns Hopkins researchers today published a "prediction model" they say can help other hospitals care for COVID-19 patients -; and make important decisions about planning and resource allocations.

Adolescent girls three times more likely to have experienced major depressive episodes

A new report shows that the percentage of girls who experience a major depressive episode in the past year triples between the ages of 12 and 15 (from 5.1 percent to 15.2 percent respectively). The report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) also shows that an annual average of 1.4 million adolescent girls age 12 to 17 experienced a major depressive episode in the past year.

Studying The Effects of Microgravity on Muscle Mass

Studying the effects of gravity on muscle cells can give us an insight into muscle wastage diseases, and potentially guide the development of new therapies. Professor Louis Yuge discusses his research and the cellular changes that occur in response to microgravity.

AMICAS enters into definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo

AMICAS, Inc., a leader in image and information management solutions, today announced that on December 24, 2009, it entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo, LLC, in a transaction valued at approximately $217 million.

Read more Medical News

› Verified 8 days ago

Quality Ratings:

Gentiva Health Services is "Medicare-certified" which means that this home health agency is approved by Medicare and meets certain federal health and safety requirements, however, home health agencies may vary in the quality of care and services they provide to their patients. The quality ratings gives you an indication of the care Gentiva Health Services give to their patients incomparison to other home health agencies. This quality rating is based on process quality measures and patient outcome measures survey conducted by CMS.

Quality Rating:

News Archive

Biosense Webster obtains first Ethics Committee approval for CLARITY study

Biosense Webster announces that this week it has obtained its first Ethics Committee approval for the CLARITY study, comparing the 1-year efficacy, safety and efficiency of CARTO(R) 3 System-guided radiofrequency ablation using the NAVISTAR(R) THERMOCOOL(R) Catheter versus fluoroscopy-guided radiofrequency ablation using the Pulmonary Vein Ablation Catheter(R) (PVAC(R), Ablation Frontiers, Medtronic) in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

New 'prediction model' can help hospitals care for COVID-19 patients

Using a combination of demographic and clinical data gathered from seven weeks of COVID-19 patient care early in the coronavirus pandemic, Johns Hopkins researchers today published a "prediction model" they say can help other hospitals care for COVID-19 patients -; and make important decisions about planning and resource allocations.

Adolescent girls three times more likely to have experienced major depressive episodes

A new report shows that the percentage of girls who experience a major depressive episode in the past year triples between the ages of 12 and 15 (from 5.1 percent to 15.2 percent respectively). The report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) also shows that an annual average of 1.4 million adolescent girls age 12 to 17 experienced a major depressive episode in the past year.

Studying The Effects of Microgravity on Muscle Mass

Studying the effects of gravity on muscle cells can give us an insight into muscle wastage diseases, and potentially guide the development of new therapies. Professor Louis Yuge discusses his research and the cellular changes that occur in response to microgravity.

AMICAS enters into definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo

AMICAS, Inc., a leader in image and information management solutions, today announced that on December 24, 2009, it entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo, LLC, in a transaction valued at approximately $217 million.

Read more Medical News

› Verified 8 days ago

Process Quality Measures:

The below quality measures show how often Gentiva Health Services used best practices when caring for its patients (process measures). Gentiva Health Services quality data is compared against the national average with the color code indicators: Better than National Average Worse than National Average

Quality MeasureProviderNational Avg.
How often the home health team began their patients’ care in a timely manner98.595.7
How often the home health team taught patients (or their family caregivers) about their drugs99.198.6
How often the home health team checked patients’ risk of falling99.999.6
How often the home health team checked patients for depression98.997.4
How often the home health team made sure that their patients have received a flu shot for the current flu season.86.678.7
How often the home health team made sure that their patients have received a pneumococcal vaccine (pneumonia shot).89.182.2
With diabetes, how often the home health team got doctor’s orders, gave foot care, and taught patients about foot care93.296.4

News Archive

Biosense Webster obtains first Ethics Committee approval for CLARITY study

Biosense Webster announces that this week it has obtained its first Ethics Committee approval for the CLARITY study, comparing the 1-year efficacy, safety and efficiency of CARTO(R) 3 System-guided radiofrequency ablation using the NAVISTAR(R) THERMOCOOL(R) Catheter versus fluoroscopy-guided radiofrequency ablation using the Pulmonary Vein Ablation Catheter(R) (PVAC(R), Ablation Frontiers, Medtronic) in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

New 'prediction model' can help hospitals care for COVID-19 patients

Using a combination of demographic and clinical data gathered from seven weeks of COVID-19 patient care early in the coronavirus pandemic, Johns Hopkins researchers today published a "prediction model" they say can help other hospitals care for COVID-19 patients -; and make important decisions about planning and resource allocations.

Adolescent girls three times more likely to have experienced major depressive episodes

A new report shows that the percentage of girls who experience a major depressive episode in the past year triples between the ages of 12 and 15 (from 5.1 percent to 15.2 percent respectively). The report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) also shows that an annual average of 1.4 million adolescent girls age 12 to 17 experienced a major depressive episode in the past year.

Studying The Effects of Microgravity on Muscle Mass

Studying the effects of gravity on muscle cells can give us an insight into muscle wastage diseases, and potentially guide the development of new therapies. Professor Louis Yuge discusses his research and the cellular changes that occur in response to microgravity.

AMICAS enters into definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo

AMICAS, Inc., a leader in image and information management solutions, today announced that on December 24, 2009, it entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo, LLC, in a transaction valued at approximately $217 million.

Read more Medical News

› Verified 8 days ago

Patient Outcome Quality Measures:

The below quality measures show whether patients with Gentiva Health Services improved in certain important areas of care (patient outcome). Gentiva Health Services quality data is compared against the national average with the color code indicators: Better than National Average Worse than National Average

Quality MeasureProviderNational Avg.
How often patients got better at walking or moving around77.579.6
How often patients got better at getting in and out of bed78.381.1
How often patients got better at bathing81.382.3
How often patients’ breathing improved81.182.8
How often patients’ wounds improved or healed after an operation85.892.3
How often patients got better at taking their drugs correctly by mouth71.175
How often home health patients had to be admitted to the hospital15.315.4
How often patients receiving home health care needed urgent, unplanned care in the ER without being admitted13.213
How often physician-recommended actions to address medication issues were completely timely69.694

News Archive

Biosense Webster obtains first Ethics Committee approval for CLARITY study

Biosense Webster announces that this week it has obtained its first Ethics Committee approval for the CLARITY study, comparing the 1-year efficacy, safety and efficiency of CARTO(R) 3 System-guided radiofrequency ablation using the NAVISTAR(R) THERMOCOOL(R) Catheter versus fluoroscopy-guided radiofrequency ablation using the Pulmonary Vein Ablation Catheter(R) (PVAC(R), Ablation Frontiers, Medtronic) in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

New 'prediction model' can help hospitals care for COVID-19 patients

Using a combination of demographic and clinical data gathered from seven weeks of COVID-19 patient care early in the coronavirus pandemic, Johns Hopkins researchers today published a "prediction model" they say can help other hospitals care for COVID-19 patients -; and make important decisions about planning and resource allocations.

Adolescent girls three times more likely to have experienced major depressive episodes

A new report shows that the percentage of girls who experience a major depressive episode in the past year triples between the ages of 12 and 15 (from 5.1 percent to 15.2 percent respectively). The report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) also shows that an annual average of 1.4 million adolescent girls age 12 to 17 experienced a major depressive episode in the past year.

Studying The Effects of Microgravity on Muscle Mass

Studying the effects of gravity on muscle cells can give us an insight into muscle wastage diseases, and potentially guide the development of new therapies. Professor Louis Yuge discusses his research and the cellular changes that occur in response to microgravity.

AMICAS enters into definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo

AMICAS, Inc., a leader in image and information management solutions, today announced that on December 24, 2009, it entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo, LLC, in a transaction valued at approximately $217 million.

Read more Medical News

› Verified 8 days ago

Patients' Survey and Ratings:

The patient experience of care survey collects patient (or their family or friend's) feedback about topics for which the patient is the best source of information. When choosing a home health agency, patients can use this information to find out what other patients thought about the care given by a certain home health agency. The total number of patients who responded in this survey for Gentiva Health Services are 284.
Question Type:Rating by Patients
Health team gave care in a professional way
Health team communicated well with them
Health team discussed medicines, pain, and home safety
How patients rated overall care from agency

News Archive

Biosense Webster obtains first Ethics Committee approval for CLARITY study

Biosense Webster announces that this week it has obtained its first Ethics Committee approval for the CLARITY study, comparing the 1-year efficacy, safety and efficiency of CARTO(R) 3 System-guided radiofrequency ablation using the NAVISTAR(R) THERMOCOOL(R) Catheter versus fluoroscopy-guided radiofrequency ablation using the Pulmonary Vein Ablation Catheter(R) (PVAC(R), Ablation Frontiers, Medtronic) in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

New 'prediction model' can help hospitals care for COVID-19 patients

Using a combination of demographic and clinical data gathered from seven weeks of COVID-19 patient care early in the coronavirus pandemic, Johns Hopkins researchers today published a "prediction model" they say can help other hospitals care for COVID-19 patients -; and make important decisions about planning and resource allocations.

Adolescent girls three times more likely to have experienced major depressive episodes

A new report shows that the percentage of girls who experience a major depressive episode in the past year triples between the ages of 12 and 15 (from 5.1 percent to 15.2 percent respectively). The report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) also shows that an annual average of 1.4 million adolescent girls age 12 to 17 experienced a major depressive episode in the past year.

Studying The Effects of Microgravity on Muscle Mass

Studying the effects of gravity on muscle cells can give us an insight into muscle wastage diseases, and potentially guide the development of new therapies. Professor Louis Yuge discusses his research and the cellular changes that occur in response to microgravity.

AMICAS enters into definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo

AMICAS, Inc., a leader in image and information management solutions, today announced that on December 24, 2009, it entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo, LLC, in a transaction valued at approximately $217 million.

Read more Medical News

› Verified 8 days ago

The patient survey data of Gentiva Health Services is compared against the national average with the color code indicators: Better than National Average Worse than National Average

Experience MeasureProviderNational Avg.
Percent of patients who reported that their home health team gave care in a professional way8988
Percent of patients who reported that their home health team communicated well with them9085
Percent of patients who reported that their home health team discussed medicines, pain, and home safety with them8783
Percent of patients who gave their home health agency a rating of 9 or 10 on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest)8884
Percent of patients who reported YES, they would definitely recommend the home health agency to friends and family8578

News Archive

Biosense Webster obtains first Ethics Committee approval for CLARITY study

Biosense Webster announces that this week it has obtained its first Ethics Committee approval for the CLARITY study, comparing the 1-year efficacy, safety and efficiency of CARTO(R) 3 System-guided radiofrequency ablation using the NAVISTAR(R) THERMOCOOL(R) Catheter versus fluoroscopy-guided radiofrequency ablation using the Pulmonary Vein Ablation Catheter(R) (PVAC(R), Ablation Frontiers, Medtronic) in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

New 'prediction model' can help hospitals care for COVID-19 patients

Using a combination of demographic and clinical data gathered from seven weeks of COVID-19 patient care early in the coronavirus pandemic, Johns Hopkins researchers today published a "prediction model" they say can help other hospitals care for COVID-19 patients -; and make important decisions about planning and resource allocations.

Adolescent girls three times more likely to have experienced major depressive episodes

A new report shows that the percentage of girls who experience a major depressive episode in the past year triples between the ages of 12 and 15 (from 5.1 percent to 15.2 percent respectively). The report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) also shows that an annual average of 1.4 million adolescent girls age 12 to 17 experienced a major depressive episode in the past year.

Studying The Effects of Microgravity on Muscle Mass

Studying the effects of gravity on muscle cells can give us an insight into muscle wastage diseases, and potentially guide the development of new therapies. Professor Louis Yuge discusses his research and the cellular changes that occur in response to microgravity.

AMICAS enters into definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo

AMICAS, Inc., a leader in image and information management solutions, today announced that on December 24, 2009, it entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Thoma Bravo, LLC, in a transaction valued at approximately $217 million.

Read more News

› Verified 8 days ago

Home Healthcare Agencies in Gaffney, SC

Gentiva Health Services
Location: 206 Chesnee Highway, Suite G & H, Gaffney, South Carolina 29341

Phone: (864) 488-0898    

Home Health Care

Home health care is a wide range of health care services that can be given in your home for an illness or injury. Home health care is usually less expensive, more convenient, and just as effective as care you get in a hospital or skilled nursing facility (SNF). The goal of home health care is to treat an illness or injury. Home health care helps you get better, regain your independence, and become as self-sufficient as possible.

Home Healthcare Agency Compare

Home Health Compare has information about the quality of care provided by "Medicare-certified" home health agencies throughout the nation. "Medicare-certified" means the home health agency is approved by Medicare and meets certain federal health and safety requirements. Home Health Compare can help you or your family or friends choose a quality home health agency that has the skilled home health services you need.

Home Health Compare was created through the efforts of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

NOTE: Medicare won't cover home health services provided by a home health agency that hasn't been Medicare-certified.

Find & Compare Providers Near You: Find and compare doctors, nursing homes, hospitals, and other health care providers in your area that accept Medicare. Get information like: Find a doctor or clinician that accepts Medicare near you.

Doctors and clinicians: Doctors and clinicians include doctors, clinicians and groups who are qualified to practice in many specialties. Each specialty focuses on certain parts of the body, periods of life, conditions, or primary care. The doctors, clinicians, and groups listed here typically work in an office or clinic setting. Also those who currently accept Medicare are included.

Hospitals: Find information about Medicare-certified hospitals and long-term care hospitals in your area, including Veterans Administration medical centers and military hospitals, across the country. Long-term care hospitals serve critically ill and medically complex patients who require extended hospital care.

Data provided: Information on is built using open data sources published by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

© 2024 MedicareUsa. All rights reserved. Maintained by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.