Devon Smith Nyktas, - Physical Therapist in Grove City, OH

Devon Smith Nyktas, is a Physical Therapist based in Grove City, Ohio. Devon Smith Nyktas is licensed to practice in Ohio (license number 10322) and her current practice location is 2600 Cameron St, Grove City, Ohio. She can be reached at her office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (614) 589-8073.

NPI number for Devon Smith Nyktas is 1003467556 and her current mailing address is 3892 Tweedsmuir Dr, Columbus, Ohio. She does not participate in medicare program and thus does not accept medicare assignments. Her NPI Number is 1003467556.

Contact Information

Devon Smith Nyktas,
2600 Cameron St,
Grove City, OH 43123-1733
(614) 589-8073
Not Available

Healthcare Provider's Profile

Full NameDevon Smith Nyktas
SpecialityPhysical Therapist
Location2600 Cameron St, Grove City, Ohio
Accepts Medicare AssignmentsDoes not participate in Medicare Program. She may not accept medicare assignment.
  NPI Data:
  • NPI Number: 1003467556
  • Provider Enumeration Date: 09/26/2019
  • Last Update Date: 09/26/2019

Medical Identifiers

Medical identifiers for Devon Smith Nyktas such as npi, medicare ID, medicare PIN, medicaid, etc.

Medical Taxonomies and Licenses

TaxonomyTypeLicense (State)Status
225100000XPhysical Therapist 10322 (Ohio)Primary

Medicare Part D Prescriber Enrollment

Any physician or other eligible professional who prescribes Part D drugs must either enroll in the Medicare program or opt out in order to prescribe drugs to their patients with Part D prescription drug benefit plans. Devon Smith Nyktas is NOT enrolled with medicare and thus cannot prescribe medicare part D drugs to patients with medicare part D benefits.

Mailing Address and Practice Location

Mailing AddressPractice Location Address
Devon Smith Nyktas,
3892 Tweedsmuir Dr,
Columbus, OH 43221-5825

Ph: () -
Devon Smith Nyktas,
2600 Cameron St,
Grove City, OH 43123-1733

Ph: (614) 589-8073

News Archive

Study: Higher rates of acute hepatitis C virus clearance are seen in women

A study of patients infected with acute hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection found that women had higher rates of spontaneous viral clearance—undetectable levels of the virus without initiating drug therapy.

Researchers identify enzymes that protect people from diabetic kidney disease

A new study from Joslin Diabetes Center has proven that certain biological protective factors play a large role in preventing diabetic kidney disease in certain people. The study was published today in Diabetes Care.

Expiring patents, austerity measures lead to predictions that prescription drug sales will continue to slow

Growth in global prescription drug spending will slow to the lowest rate in decades as low-cost generic drugs continue replacing former blockbusters in the U.S. and Europe, where governments face new pressure to reduce health care spending, according to a new forecast. The projection from data firm IMS Health shows the global prescription drug market growing by 3 to 6 percent over the next four years to $1.2 trillion by 2017.

Impax Pharmaceuticals initiates IPX159 Phase I study in Restless Legs Syndrome

Impax Pharmaceuticals, the branded products division of Impax Laboratories, Inc., announced the successful filing of an Investigational New Drug Application for IPX159 in Restless Legs Syndrome and initiated a Phase I study.

Read more News

› Verified 1 days ago

Physical Therapist in Grove City, OH

Joy D. Atwood, P.T.
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Not Enrolled in Medicare
Practice Location: 3983 Jackpot Rd, Grove City, OH 43123
Phone: 614-539-5301    Fax: 614-539-8658
Jared William Bloom, DPT
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Accepting Medicare Assignments
Practice Location: 6024 Hoover Rd, Suite D, Grove City, OH 43123
Phone: 614-871-3832    Fax: 614-871-7225
Tabitha L Bear, DPT
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Medicare Enrolled
Practice Location: 5500 N Meadows Dr, Grove City, OH 43123
Phone: 614-488-1816    
Ashley Eibling,
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Accepting Medicare Assignments
Practice Location: 3983 Jackpot Rd, Grove City, OH 43123
Phone: 614-539-5301    
Jessica Marie Galasso, DPT
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Accepting Medicare Assignments
Practice Location: 5500 N Meadows Dr, Grove City, OH 43123
Phone: 614-488-1816    Fax: 614-488-0390
William T Demis, DPT
Physical Therapist
Medicare: Accepting Medicare Assignments
Practice Location: 2185 Stringtown Rd, Grove City, OH 43123
Phone: 614-539-5301    Fax: 614-539-8658

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Doctors and clinicians: Doctors and clinicians include doctors, clinicians and groups who are qualified to practice in many specialties. Each specialty focuses on certain parts of the body, periods of life, conditions, or primary care. The doctors, clinicians, and groups listed here typically work in an office or clinic setting. Also those who currently accept Medicare are included.

Hospitals: Find information about Medicare-certified hospitals and long-term care hospitals in your area, including Veterans Administration medical centers and military hospitals, across the country. Long-term care hospitals serve critically ill and medically complex patients who require extended hospital care.

Data provided: Information on is built using open data sources published by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

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